How much does delivery cost?

The delivery price depends on the weight of the purchased item(s). We combine shipping on multiple items. 1-3 items are about $10. Express shipping is about $60. Tracking service is approximately $24 if available in your country.

When will my order arrive?

We ship orders in bulk weekly, every Tuesday. And it takes about 10-20 business days for international orders to arrive. There may be the occasional delay in transit due to Customs Clearance processes, of which we have no control of Shovava uses Australia Post & EMS for express courier orders.

Will I get a tracking number?

If you purchased shipping with tracking service (Pack and Track option), you will receive a notification email containing your tracking number.

How can I track my order?

When you’ve purchased shipping with tracking service, you will receive an email containing your tracking number once your order is shipped. You can track your package here.In the event that you did not receive this email notification, please contact us at

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